Advantages and disadvantages of cold press and hot press of oil press machine

Our country has a vast territory, a large number of crops, a variety of fruits, vegetables, and a variety of oil crops. So what is our usual use of vegetable oil? Let's know which materials are suitable for hot press equipment. When the raw materials are suitable for cold pressing, we should first understand the difference between the hot press and the cold press of the oil press. What are the benefits of hot pressing? What is the advantage of choosing cold press?

Advantages and disadvantages of cold press and hot press of oil press equipment:
1、The hot press is that the oil is fried after being fried in a wok, and the cooked oil is pure and fragrant, especially the sesame peanuts are rich in oil.
The disadvantage is that when the pot is fried, it will be foamed when it is not processed.
2、Cold-pressed oil has pure natural characteristics, avoiding the adverse effects of traditional high-temperature oil processing. The cold-squeezed oil retains the natural flavor and color of the oil, and completely preserves the physiologically active substances in the oil (vitamin E has anti-aging function) , sterol has a skin-friendly effect and enhances the body's metabolic function). Cold pressed oil color is good, relatively light, but the oil is not fragrant, not on fire.

The disadvantage is that the oil yield is not high, most of the raw materials are not suitable for cold pressing; generally, the cold pressed cigarettes are low and the water content is unstable, which is not conducive to long-term storage.

Squeeze oil is good, fried seeds are the key, as the saying goes, the machine is very good, seven points of fried seeds, peanuts should be fried to peanut meat with oil, so the oil rate will reach *, under normal circumstances, the oil rate will Up to 40%, fried peanut raw materials should pay attention to heat preservation when pressing, if the peanuts become cold, it will be brittle, the oil extraction will increase the amount of slag, so insulation is the key. Taking soybean, canola, cottonseed, peanut, and sesame as examples, soybean oil contains soybean meal, spicy flavor in canola oil, gossypol toxin in cottonseed oil, and Aspergillus flavus in metamorphic oil. Toxins, etc., must be refined before they can be removed; the scent of sesame oil and fragrant peanut oil must be obtained through hot pressing. If you want to increase the oil yield of the cold press, you have to crush it before you can go up. Sometimes you have to press it twice and press it three times.

Most of the vegetable oils consumed in daily life are hot pressed oil. With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, people will increasingly favor cold pressed oil in the future.