How to Make Black Seed Oil at Home

Making homemade black seed oil is a great way of obtaining the benefits while avoiding the problems that come with commercially made oils. This also means that your stock is always fresh, since you can always make the oil whenever the need arises. The only things you need are an oil press machine and organic black seeds. Once you have both, follow this procedure:


  1. Clean and dry the black seeds to ensure that you get a pure oil.

  2. Clean the oil press machine thoroughly to prevent contaminants from getting into the final product.

  3. Place the oil bottle in the receptacle, as well as a container to catch the waste from the seeds.

  4. Heat up the machine according to the manufacturer’s instructions, then place the seeds into the funnel.

  5. Turn on the machine, then allow it to extract the oil from the seeds.

  6. Continue the process until your container is full.

  7. Leave the oil to sit in a warm, dry place then allow the remnants to settle at the bottom of the bottle.


How Does Black Seed Oil Work?

Black seed oil contains different fatty acids, nutrients and active compounds that work together to benefit your health. Several studies have looked into how black seeds oil work and discovered that TQ plays a crucial role in its health benefits.


In one example published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, TQ was tested against 11 human pathogenic bacteria strains. Researchers were able to observe that TQ exhibited significant antibacterial activity, especially against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923.In another study, TQ has been found to be effective in fighting against fungi, most notably Candida albicans strain.

Other studies have examined the cancer-fighting abilities of TQ. Researchers found that it induced a growth inhibition and apoptosis in human osteosarcoma cells, as well as cytotoxicity in human cervical squamous carcinoma cells.

Potential Side Effects of Black Seed Oil 

While black seed oil may potentially benefit your health, it is not without its own side effects. A study published in Phytotherapy Research notes that topical application caused contact dermatitis in two persons. However, no adverse effects have been reported regarding internal use. Pregnant women may consume real black seeds as part of a healthy diet, but high doses for therapeutic applications are generally not recommended, as it may slow down or stop the uterus from contracting. Likewise, breastfeeding mothers are advised to avoid black seed oil, as there’s not much information about its effects on you and your child’s health.

Go Ahead and Give Black Seed Oil a Try 

Based on published studies, as well as thousands of years of history, it’s safe to say that black seed oil may potentially benefit your health in various ways. If you want to try it, remember that it should not be heated or you will risk damaging the beneficial compounds. Furthermore, try making your own black seed oil at home to ensure freshness at all times if you have the resources to do so.

Frequently Asked Questions About Black Seed Oil

Q: What is black seed oil good for?

A: Based on numerous studies, black seed oil may help in various ways such as fighting microbes, managing inflammation promoting healthy blood pressure.


Q: Where can you buy black seed oil?

A: Black seed oil can be purchased online. However, what’s more important is to thoroughly review the product you’re buying and make sure it’s made from high-quality ingredients by a reputable company.